I don’t know about you, but I often create icons or elements on the sites I build that require the hex codes for the social media sites they represent. Below are the main logo/site colors associated with some of the bigger social media outlets. If I’ve missed any, please comment below.

Bebo Red
Hex: #ee1010
RGB: 237, 17, 17
Behance Blue
Hex: #1759ff
RGB: 23, 66, 255
Blogger Orange
Hex: #f26300
RGB: 242, 99, 0
Codepen Black
Hex: #000000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
Delicious Blue
Hex: #3271cb
RGB: 51, 88, 204
Deviantart Green
Hex: #b3c432
RGB: 179, 196, 50
Digg Blue
Hex: #0093cc
RGB: 0, 113, 204
Dribbble Pink
Hex: #ea4c89
RGB: 234, 76, 137
Etsy Brown
Hex: #d15600
RGB: 209, 86, 0
Facebook Blue
Hex: #3b5998
RGB: 59, 89, 152
Flickr Pink
Hex: #ff0084
RGB: 255, 0, 132
Foursquare Blue
Hex: #0072b1
RGB: 0, 114, 177
Github Black
Hex: #000
RGB: 0, 0, 0
Google+ Red
Hex: #dd4b39
RGB: 221, 75, 57
Instagram Brown
Hex: #675144
RGB: 103, 81, 68
LinkedIn Blue
Hex: #517fa4
RGB: 81, 127, 164
Paypal Blue
Hex: #336699
RGB: 50, 85, 153
Pinterest Red
Hex: #cb2027
RGB: 203, 32, 39
Quora Red
Hex: #a82400
RGB: 168, 36, 0
Reddit Blue
Hex: #cee3f8
RGB: 205, 219, 247
RSS Orange
Hex: #ff7900
RGB: 255, 121, 0
Skype Blue
Hex: #00aff0
RGB: 0, 135, 240
Snapchat Yellow
Hex: #fffc00
RGB: 255, 252, 0
Soundcloud Orange
Hex: #f76700
RGB: 247, 103, 0
Spotify Green
Hex: #4da400
RGB: 77, 163, 0
Stack Overflow Orange
Hex: #f76700
RGB: 247, 103, 0
Stumbleupon Red
Hex: #eb4924
RGB: 235, 72, 35
Tumblr Blue
Hex: #32506d
RGB: 50, 80, 109
Twitter Blue
Hex: #00aced
RGB: 0, 172, 237
Vimeo Green
Hex: #00bf8f
RGB: 0, 191, 143
Vine Green
Hex: #aad450
RGB: 170, 212, 80
VK Blue
Hex: #45668e
RGB: 69, 102, 142
WordPress Blue
Hex: #21759b
RGB: 23, 97, 156
Yahoo Purple
Hex: #7b0099
RGB: 149, 0, 153
YouTube Red
Hex: #bb0000
RGB: 187, 0, 0
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