Let’s say you own a store that sells custom products. One of your recent clients is a team that wants the items available only to those they give a secured URL to. You need to password-protect that store category. In this tutorial I explain to my client how to create such a password-protected page simply and easily without any plugins, only using a WordPress Page and a single WooCommerce shortcode.


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2 responses to “Adding WooCommerce Product Categories & Products to Your Menu”

  1. Hi. Thanks for this. It’s very useful.

    Is there a way to modify this one so that HTML tags in the title are not encoded into entities?

    // Change the description tab heading to product name
    add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_description_heading’, ‘wc_change_product_description_tab_heading’, 10, 1 );
    function wc_change_product_description_tab_heading( $title ) {
    global $post;
    return $post->post_title;
    We’re using italics in some product titles, which generally works fine in most places, except this function where they are encoded into their HTML entities, and thus the italic tags are shown.


    • Hi Michael,
      I apologize for not seeing your comment before now. Unfortunately, I’m afraid I don’t have an answer for you. But I’m going to look into it for you and see if I can find an answer. That said, if you’ve already come up with an answer, I’d love to know your solution!

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